The Tamron 17-50 has proven to be a great little lens, having f/2.8 makes the viewfinder much brighter and opens up new vistas its selective focus capabilities. It's also important to have a "back-up" standard zoom lens as my Nikon 16-85mm VR is a workhorse.
This old bridge where the trains used to cross is a haven for walkers and cyclists, it lends itself to being photogenic. Some of the local shrubbery is just as interesting.
This will be my last blog entry on a regular basis, I just received my new textbooks for the real estate licensing course; that endeavor will consume a great deal of my free time over the next couple months, I'll still try to get a few files now and then, but it's still winter and I don't really have anything different to offer that I haven't already photographed.
And a lifeless procession of Mandarin to you, too, my festive pile of Why In God's Name Are You Here.
ReplyDeleteHey, Super Bald Dude! My exsanguine teen suicide survivor friends want to share their sexy pics of gelatinous marine life under a train bridge at SYMPTOMSOFSWINEFLU.COM! See U there!