I haven't had the best of luck capturing rainbows, espcially since they are so fleeting and require you to be at the right place at the right time. Yesterday, one of my co-workers alerted me to a rather colorful rainbow that had formed with the mix of sun and rain we were experiencing. I quickly grabbed the D40 and attached the 70-300mm VR, and went crazy. I was happy to get a few workable files and applied by "Velvia" work flow to enhance them.
This is yet another example of how important it is to have a camera with you at all times.
Rainbows are indeed truly fleeting. If only you could time them like you can the sunset ;) I'm still toying with the idea of getting a smaller dSLR to carry around with me everywhere -- something with a little less liability attached to it ;) (I really need to make sure my camera gear is properly insured).
ReplyDeleteI am thinking of getting the new D3000, it has the same 10.2 MP sensor as the D80 and a 100,000 shutter cycle rating. As you know, good glass is better than having a high-end SLR and mediocre glass.
ReplyDeleteIt's time for Canon to make a smallish FF DSLR like the size of the Rebel, that would be the answer.
ReplyDeleteNah. I'm sure they won't do that any time soon ;) However, I could easily make use of something like a digital rebel XSI. I went through some of my files from the 40D not long ago and it produced some great images... the rush to get FF was mostly out of excitement, not so much need.
ReplyDeleteAh, back to our entry-level DSLR. TBH, the images I get with my D40 are every bit as good as the ones with the D80. It wasn't any different with film. Too many of us get hung up on the camera body, the glass is way more critical to the final result.